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  5. The Truth Shall Set...


The Sun represents our soul and Sunday is the day for our soul to set the trajectory for the coming week!  If we feel overwhelmed and out of control at this time of the year, we must turn inside to connect with the Divine.  As the Sun has entered into Capricorn, it’s going to bring to our attention our true purpose (dharma) in our lives. Try to stay away from the news being broadcast on TV, papers and internet.  This news has been filtered by a certain point of view, and usually it’s not a positive slant! Negativity clouds our perception of our true purpose.

Dr. Pillai says that even the gods in the heavens are competing with each other!  As above, so below.  Whatever is going on earth plane is all a play of consciousness. All of us are watching the play from our own ego perspective, so everyone sees things differently! Once we see that we are all one, we may see things clearly from the highest point of view. Dr. Pillai is giving us the tools to be able to advance ourselves on the spiritual path, so we can see through the drama, identify with our Highest Self and attain our highest purpose.  We ask ourselves “what are we doing here?  Are we an experiment in the experience of being human?”  If we can transcend the earthly drama, we will look at the lessons we are learning from a different perspective, from a spiritual perspective and we will see the Truth.  This Truth will set you free!

Dr. Pillai is opening a temple for Karuppaswamy today in his own village in India. Watch Dr Pillai’s FREE Karuppaswamy Webcast and the Karuppaswamy Fire Lab (replay will hopefully be available soon on Astroved’s YouTube channel. There will be an invitation-only opportunity to participate in a Karuppaswamy Reading and Remedy event by Advisory Services. Email Sucharita for more information on this. (Email address is at the end of this email.)

Sucharita reminds us to get the Astroved Calendar so we can use old-school technologies (as in opening the calendar and reading the information!) to stay in touch with the energies of the day, weeks and months.

Important Upcoming Events This Week: Check the Pillai Center and the AstroVed Event Calendars for other upcoming events. Depending on where you live, the times or the day of the week will be different.  Check the Panchang with your location to see when you should be observing the rituals.

Sunday, Jan 15th-16th, 2017 EST

Karuppaswamy Descends to the Earth

Karuppaswamy is a god who has been unfortunately misunderstood for long as the God for village folks, and who is in charge of guarding their farms and houses and so forth. But this is incorrect!  He is the God of Miracles. He is going to do miracles. Invoke Karuppaswamy of justice and miracles on these 2 days for solutions to life problems.

Tuesday, Jan 17th @ 01:09 EST

6th Moon – Muruga’s Power Time

The 6th Waxing Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel.

Thursday, Jan 19th 04:08 EST

8th Moon – Kala Bhairava’s Day for Timeline Jumping

Dr. Pillai says “On the 19th there is a special invocation of 4 different Bhairavas representing 4 different time periods.  Bhairava is a deity who has not been understood in his totality. The popular understanding about Bhairava is that he is like a guardian, who guards the temple and also protects people. There are a couple of different understandings which are very important for us.” Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Learn more about the rituals here.

Remember Saturn is transiting into Sagittarius on:

Thursday, Jan 26th, 2017

Dr. Pillai says that Saturn’s transit is considered the most significant as he is responsible for delivering good and bad things in your life based on your previous karma and the karma accrued in this lifetime. On January 26, 2017, Saturn will be entering the sign Sagittarius, ruled by benevolent Jupiter. Saturn transiting in the 9th sign of the natural zodiac for three years is a beneficial time for progress, especially after gaining more knowledge in core areas related to your profession. Though there could be tough lessons from Saturn for signs Virgo and Taurus due to 4th and 8th house influences respectively, in general, Saturn’s placement in benefic Jupiter’s house will reduce its malefic effects and make him shower progressive benefits. Read more about this transit.


Enjoy this week’s Meditation and Discussion audios.

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Contact/Personal Coaching with Sucharita

If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected] or [email protected]

FREE Mini-Astrology Reading when you Donate $30 to Tripura Foundation

Enjoy the grace of making a contribution to uplift the poor to a higher standard of living. When Sundays with Sucharita attendees donate $30 or more, you are eligible for a FREE Mini-Astrology reading with Radha via Skype or telephone. You will learn the 5 things Dr. Pillai says everyone should know about your birth chart – your ascendant, birth star, moon sign, sun sign, and primary & secondary planets that are currently influencing you. Donate to Tripura Foundation and forward your email receipt to:

[email protected] or sundayswithsucharita@pillaicenter.com

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