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  5. Venus in Libra: Reasons...


How has your life been lately? Looking at the stars and planets, you’ve probably been postponing all pleasures and niceties to focus on impendent duties, in a general climate of mistrust and arguments.

So—you’ll be happy to learn that all this is about to change for the better.

Happy Changes

On November 29 and until December 25, which includes some major holidays, the planet of love, romance, fun air travels, pleasures, luxuries, sweet speech, relationship harmony and graceful social exchanges is entering Libra—wow—this means that Venus will be in its own sign from where it can right many wrongs.

If you have given your heart in relationships, friendships and in the work environment yet you felt that little or no good was coming out of it, things now can turn around 180 degrees.

Forget the Past

Venus has suffered in the last few months—in a sensitive environment ruled by Moon and conjoining Mars—most of the time this conjunction leads to negative results, even when passion is enhanced.

Then Venus transited in Leo, the Sun’s kingdom where the planet of love suffers from excessive pride and self-importance. Again conjoined with Mars! Then, Venus became debilitated in Virgo—where there was little room for pleasure or romance.

Love Your Social EngagementsMIDDLE-VENUS-IN-LIBRA-NEW

Now social contacts and networking can be a joy again and you can finally go ahead and buy beautiful clothes for yourself or gifts for others.

Devotion to your loved ones will increase and even your spiritual practices could improve from a generally more harmonious environment.

When Venus is in its own signs—Taurus or Libra—or exalted in Pisces, rituals and mantras to this planet and the overlord Lakshmi—the Goddess of ultimate wealth—are more effective and lead to the fulfillment of your wishes.

Fire rituals are the best vehicles for reaching the beings behind the planets and their overlord. So professionally performed remedies can bring you major happiness.

Libra creates a lovely setting for compromise and fairness, which will benefit all relationships.

Other characteristics of Venus and other well-placed planets in Libra (such as Saturn or Mercury) span from creativity to elegance, good manners, diplomacy and gentleness.

Avoid This

Only a few words of caution—while the holiday season will see you getting along with others—there is a chance that you might over compromise your true values to get along with everyone. When you avoid this, Venus in Libra will benefit you the most.

Home Ritual

On a Friday, take a bath (or shower) and wear clean (or new) clothes.

Place a lamp (preferably made of ghee or a palm candle works fine, too) in front of pictures or statues of Venus and Lakshmi.

Offer flowers, water, sweets and or fruit, incense and your prayers to Venus and Lakshmi—surrender your worries.

Recite 108 times (or 27 times) OM SHUKRAYA NAMAHA (for Venus) and OM SHREEM NAMAHA (for Lakshmi).

Thank these celestial beings with love and sincerity.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head ShotEnergetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi




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