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  5. Venus Retrograde in Leo:...

venus retro 1

Take a deep breath, because the planet of happiness, harmony, wealth and relationship is going backward in the sign of the Sun, Leo, on July 25 until September 6.

What does this transit mean for you? Retrograde planets act in surprising ways and usually bring you a different outlook. You may now take more than the usual time analyzing the past and what you have done wrong in your finances or in a relationship. And this is good, but to a point.

But even better—Venus Retrogrades is moving away from the enemy sign of the malefic Sun. Yes, the pure and mighty Sun can be hard on the planet of love and happiness.

Another bonus—when Venus Retrogrades moves out of Leo and back into Cancer on August 13, this bright star will be away from Saturn’s influence. This is a great respite.

Here for you: 6 sure ways to enjoy your summer and make the best of Venus retrograde.

 1. Stay focused

 Do you really want to be happy? Now more than ever, it’s important to keep your focus on what you want to experience. Your thoughts around finances, personal happiness and your devotion towards others are changing.

By ignoring negative memories around your past experiences, you will keep your stakes higher at bringing more happiness into your life.

 2. Act It Out

While this retrograde transit of Venus will give different results to different people depending on their personal charts, in general, individuals working in cinematography will benefit from this retrograde and their profession will be blessed with more success. If that’s your job, you will notice these energetic vibes for career success. You can also enjoy taking an acting class.

goddess eyes

3. It’s all about the Goddess

Venus and Goddesses are connected. In fact, overlord Lakshmi can take Venus under her control and reduce any negativity that is stopping you from acquiring a beautiful car, sparkling jewelry worthy of a Goddess, a happy trip to a mountain resort, good finances and more.

Turn Lakshmi’s benign eye towards you with the following sounds: OM SHREEM LASKHMI NAMAHA. The powerful vibrations of these sounds will dispel any negativity around your desires.

4. Write, write and write

 As weird as it sounds, unless you create your manifestation consciously, it won’t appear in your life. A quick way to create is by writing down what you want. Some of the richest people in the world practice this faithfully—because it works.

Writing your goals to increase your happiness is a creation. So start creating today.

5. Chant your heart out

Sounds create. They vibrate. Everything in the universe is vibrating at different frequencies. Your thoughts also vibrate and can be powerful or harmful. So fill your mind with pure and creative words that manifest.

It’s more likely that saying the word ‘happiness’ in a positive sentence will bring you closer to experiencing it, rather than holding negative thoughts about your failures. The sounds below, chanted a minimum of 108 times (or at least 27) stop negativity blocking your happiness.


* AIM KLEEM HREEM SHREEM (for all aspects of the Feminine Celestial Energy)

6. Hot Shining Help

I can’t say this enough: fire rituals are portals to celestial help. You can manifest at super speed when you ask Agni, the deity of sacred fire, to bring your requests to the Higher Beings. This is not a belief system and we now have scientific evidence of the effectiveness of Fire Labs. In fact, Dr. Pillai is working on research on the brain and how it changes during these rituals. Both a Brain Institute in San Francisco and Harvard Medical School have collected data with Dr. Pillai.

So participate in specialized fire rituals and see your life change for the better.

Enjoy the energies!

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Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi

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