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  5. Akshaya Tritiya Wealth Moon

Akshaya Tritiya

Dr. Pillai: “Akshaya Tritiya is a very important day to develop wealth consciousness. The Moon is always associated with certain energy. All of the festivals correspond to the positioning of the Moon in the Indian Tradition. It influences the mind. That is why we have the expression “lunacy.”

We have a special energy from the third Moon – it has been historically and mythologically documented.

Mythologies Behind Akshaya Tritiya

It was the day when Ganesha started writing the ‘Mahabharata.’ It is also the day that Parasurama and Annapurna were born; Annapurna was the Goddess Parvati who came to feed the entire world.

It is also the day when Ganga came to this Earth Plane, and  the day that Akshaya Patra  (Akshaya means non-depleting bowl) was given to the five Pandava brothers. The bowl kept giving them rice and whatever they wanted, and it took place on that day.

This is also the day that Kubera, the Banker of Heaven, and Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, were given special powers by Lord Shiva. Finally, this is also the day when Sudama, the friend of Krishna, visited Krishna, and then Krishna gave him incredible wealth.

There are many other historical, mythological accounts that uphold the significance of Akshaya Tritiya.

Things to Do During Akshaya Tritiya

This third Moon is a time for observing a fast to enhance your consciousness. I suggest that you do partial fasting and then use the Shreem Brzee Mantra.

Shreem Brzee as you know is a mantra that was given to me by Vishwamitra through a special Nadi reading and people have had incredible changes of fortune by using this Shreem Brzee Mantra.

I recently also developed a Shreem Brzee Yantra and this Yantra will be energized during this time and then will be sent to you for all the sponsors. I want you to take advantage of this very special time. 

It is very difficult to get things done through human efforts alone. Human efforts of course are necessary, but Divine Blessings is everything. It is a day of blessings from Lord Shiva Himself to acquire wealth consciousness and also realize it.

God Bless.”

Immerse Yourself Into World Wealth Day With Dr. Pillai & a Pillai Center Teacher

Dr. Pillai teaches that rituals are more powerful than meditation and among rituals. 

You will have an opportunity to participate in a live Immersion session hosted by a Pillai Center Teacher along with on-demand sessions of Dr. Pillai’s World Wealth Day Empowerment & Meditation, Dr. Pillai’s World Wealth Day Fire Lab, an Akshaya Tritiya Fire Lab with a Vedic Priest, two group meditation sessions, and lifetime access in Pillai Center Academy

Each person who joins will amplify the potential benefits for everyone during this important day.


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