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  5. Cleansing Your Karmic Records

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Sucharita welcomed us to our Powertime Practice YouTube video on Saturday, April 24, 2021. Dr. Pillai will start another year-long Mystery School Course on May 16. He says that this new course will change not only the lives of those participating, but the lives of the whole world! If enough of us folks are raising our consciousness, it will raise the consciousness of everyone! Hear Dr. Pillai explain more during a LIVE webinar, Thought Manifestation and the Miracle Mind on Sunday, May 2 at 11 am PDT/2 pm EDT.

The big powertime this week is the Chitra Purnima Full Moon. According to Padma Purana, there is a divine accountant or bookkeeper named Chitragupta, who is also the lieutenant of the God of justice and dharma, Yama. He maintains the good and bad records of everyone on earth in a heavenly database known as the ‘Akashic Records,’ which is your divine personal logbook. The Full Moon of Chitra Purnima is the perfect day to connect with Chitragupta, and it is believed that invoking Chitragupta’s blessings and feeding the poor and needy on this day can help erase the negative karma in your Akashic records.

The topic of this week’s conversation was getting rid of karma because Saturday was the 13th moon  – a Sani Pradosham. Sani is Saturn, the ruler of Saturday who dole out of karma. Pradosham is a window of time to get rid of karma. The best time is at or around sunset time. You can connect with Lord Shiva who is the Divine being who drinks the poison to protect the world. Chant Thiru Neela Kantum to honor Shiva. This is a karma busting mantra! Roll lemons and limes on your shoulders and break a coconut to bust your karma. This is also a good time to help the elderly needy. Tripura Foundation’s new campaign to gift needy elderly people with sleeping mats, food, and hygiene essentials makes it easy for us to be charitable.

We have just recently celebrated Maha Shivaratri or the Great Night of Shiva. Check out the Pillai Center Academy course, The Great Night of Shiva from either 2021 or 2020, and Glory of Shiva. You can use these teachings every 14th moon and other days. Also, honor Ganesha on the 14th moon.

Dr. Pillai tells us to chant the Moola Mantra for enlightenment:  Om Aim Hreem, Sarva Lokaya, Adityaya, Shiva Satguru, Babaya Swaha. This mantra will unlock the secrets of your soul and you will find the purpose of your life here on this earth plane. 

Dr. Pillai tells us we should have a spiritual check list:

  • Do your spiritual practices
  • Chant the mantras
  • Do the karma busting techniques
  • Do your meditations
  • Participate in the rituals at Pillai Center

During our meditation we chant the Moola Mantra, and Sucharita will offer the light of a candle or Ghee Lamp to an image of Dr. Pillai. This is called Avatar Aarti. This will help you to manifest your desires and to sustain these manifestations! She tells us to use the yantras that we have received from the Pillai Center and AstroVed in our meditations. We can offer them water, milk, or juice and pray to them. The blessings are there for us. The yantras are machines to expedite our enlightenment!



Monday, Apr 26, 3:14 AM – 11:31 PM ET

This full moon is a day of grace when you can erase your karmic records and experience a new beginning of creation and manifestation. Chant or meditate on Shreem Brzee for abundance.


Thursday Apr 29, 2021, 12:40 PM until Friday Apr 30, 09:40 AM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Saturday May 01, 07:11 AM Up to Sunday May 02, 05:20 AM ET

The 6th Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel.


Monday May 03, 04:09 AM Up to Tuesday May 04, 03:40 AM ET

Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Udyamo Bhairava is a mantra for Timeline Jumping.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]


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