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  5. Coming Soon: Eclipse/Summer Solstice/New...

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Watch this week’s video on the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel, Powertime Practice 2020 playlist.


Sucharita welcomed us all on the Powertime Practice call on Saturday evening June 13, 2020, at our NEW TIME and PLACE: Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel at 10 pm Saturdays EDT / 7:30 am Sundays IST. We come together to learn how to navigate the teachings of Dr. Pillai. We are here to find a “big purpose” in life, by empowering the soul. We can do this by knowing what the power times are and how to utilize them to our advantage. There are big cosmic events happening now, and it is affecting us on the earth plane. “As it is above, so it is below!” We want to know what is happening behind the scenes. 

The Divine Beings want us to raise our vibrations and to evolve the human race. They are ready to help us, all we have to do is align with that energy. The theme of each day can be experienced if we look into the cosmic time frame.

The Summer Solstice/New Moon/Solar Eclipse is coming up on Saturday, June 20th. This is a time to shift our soul’s journey. It is a day of rare planetary alignment – all the planets will be encircled by the snake planets Rahu and Ketu, and major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury will be in retrograde. Furthermore, during this eclipse, the Sun, Moon, and Rahu will be in the star Mrigasira, ruled by Mars. Mrigasira, the star of searching, presided by Soma, the Moon God, radiates the energy to help manifest results for what you seek. The term Soma also refers to Amrita, the divine nectar that is the elixir of life. Soma is the source of energy and vitality of the Gods and  the ancestors. Performing Tarpanam and offering your prayers on this day can help your ancestors reach the divine light. There are services offered at Pillai Center.

The waning moon phases are good times to go within and do our spiritual practices.

The north and the south nodes of the moon are called Rahu and Ketu. Be careful what you are doing during this eclipse and new moon. An astrologer at AstroVed, Vijayalakshmi, has put out a good video regarding this time period.

Sun entered the sign of Gemini. When the sun was in Taurus, the natural 2nd sign of the zodiac, last month, we were looking at our finances, and our families. Now in the sign Gemini it’s a time of communication. The sun is going to beaming into your body and your mind. You might be talking a lot, you might be looking at both sides of a topic. Gemini is the house of siblings, there may be rivalry. Be aware that this may be happening.

This coming two weeks may be a good time to get an astrology reading to see how the planets and stars are going to be affecting you. All things on the earth plane have changed, and we don’t know what is going to be happening. This is a perfect time to reset our lives. Focus on what you need to do to start your life up again. During this 30 days, “they” are saying that there could be resurgence of this COVID virus pandemic. This is the time to remake yourselves. We must take things into our own hands and be proactive, not reactive, to this situation. We are in the Nakshatra of Uttarabhadra, a star ruled by Saturn. This star says, we going to go through change. And on a Saturday, in the 9th waning moon, it’s asking us to dig deep and grab onto the spirit, the prana, the breath or the Holy Ghost. Change can cause fear and anxiety, so resolve your issues that have to do with business, relationships, and finances. The governments of the world are going to have to stop the bickering and fighting.

What does it mean when your third eye is open? You can turn into light. It is our birthright to remember that we are light, we are angels, we are part of God.

As we approach the New Moon next Saturday, it is a time to honor the ancestors. All traditions honor the ancestors. Dr. Pillai has taught us a ritual to do for our ancestors called “Tarpanam” where we offer rice powder with black sesame seeds, a coin, and water. Learn how to offer tarpanam. Our ancestors are anyone in our gene pool who has passed from this life. We are connected with them through our physical DNA, but we are also connected to them through our spiritual DNA. Dr. Pillai calls this Soul Genetics.

Thursday, Mercury will be going retrograde in Gemini, his own sign. This is a time to reexamine things, reevaluate our lives, rewrite our resume. Review your skills, reeducate yourselves. Mercury is education and intellect. Re-check your computer, recheck all your technologies. Mercury is also a healing planet as well. So reevaluate your lifestyles. Get out into nature and you will be revitalized. Thursday is also the 13th moon which is a time to get rid of karma.

Mars enters Pisces on June 18th. Its a fiery planet and Pisces is a fish who lives in the water, with no feet. Our emotions might be volatile, so be careful about what you say! Try to keep quiet and think before you speak. Now that you have a heads up, you can avoid the potential problems that could arise during this time.

Watch Dr. Pillai’s live video “Declaring a Global Spiritual Emergency.



Monday Jun 15, 08:10 PM til Tuesday June 16, 10:20 PM ET

Ekadasi is the day when Vishnu’s blessings for wealth and health are abundant. Chant Om Namo Narayanaya for Vishnu or Shreem Brzee for his consort, Lakshmi.


Thursday Jun 18, 12:09 AM til Friday Jun 19, 01:31 AM ET

The 13th Moon phase is called Pradosham, a karma-removing time. 1 1/2 hours before sunset through sunset is the most powerful time to pray to Shiva to dissolve your bad karma. Hydrate a shivalinga by pouring water/milk/juice over it as you chant the karma busting mantra, Thiru Neela Kantam Makaral ShivayanamaVisualize blue light in your throat. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove karma.


Friday Jun 19, 01:31 AM til Saturday Jun 20, 02:22 AM  ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Saturday Jun 20, 02:22 AM til Sunday Jun 21, 02:41 AM ET

Each New Moon is a great opportunity to get a clean slate and evolve spiritually. Your meditations on this day/night will be particularly powerful. During the New Moon you can connect with your ancestors by offering tarpanam, which opens energy blocks, and helps you invoke the positive blessings from your ancestors. Learn how to offer tarpanam.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]


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