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Watch this week’s video on the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel, Powertime Practice 2020 playlist.

Sucharita welcomed us all on the Powertime Practice call on Saturday June 20, 2020, on our new platform, live -steaming on YouTube. This is a weekend filled with powertimes. It was the New Moon, the time to honor the ancestors, it was the Summer Solstice, there was a solar eclipse and Sunday is Father’s Day in the US.  The north node of the moon, Rahu, and the south node of the moon are encircling all the planets. They will activate the mind and bring in the ancestor karma. This may cause us to be anxious. Rahu is something we are obsessing about, something we did not quite master in our past lives. Ketu is influence – a snake that doesn’t have a head. This may cause us to be spiritually flighty. We may go from master to master and teacher to teacher. The energies of Rahu/Ketu can cause us to question our beliefs. This is a very powerful time to honor the ancestors. Offer rice flour with black sesame seeds, a coin and a little water during the day light hours. Black sesame seeds remind us that today is Saturday, ruled by lord Saturn.

When we align with Dr. Pillai’s teachings, we will find ourselves in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people. Sunday is Father’s Day, and we have inherited many things from our father and our father’s father-the DNA and the spiritual DNA. The gurus say that unless we get the blessing of the ancestors, it is very hard to become enlightened. Here is a yearlong program that is offered from Pillai Center to help honor those ancestors. Once we get the blessings of the ancestors, then all the descendants who are living on the earth plane will receive the benefits they will shower onto us!

The Solar eclipse was on Saturday 11:45 PM ET – 2:40 AM ET Sunday. The energy then is very potent and can cleanse the body and soul and create a fresh clean slate. This is a time to keep quiet (you may say the wrong thing – no texting!) and a time not to eat too much. This will allow you to concentrate on your spiritual practices. It can be very cathartic, maybe with aches and pains in the body. When we do our spiritual practices, it help our karma, but it also helps the karma of our living relatives. It is not advisable to make any major decisions, such as lawsuits, real estate, or any new adventures. Put it off for a few day. Dr. Pillai says not to go outside during the eclipse. Keep yourselves isolated and dive deep inside. Avoid all the emotional upheaval that may occur. We must ask the Divine to intervene and to help us get through this tumultuous times! The nakshatras or birthstars of Chitra and Dhanishta are going to be affected more during the eclipse. Pregnant women and people with heart problems should not be out in the sun during the eclipse.

Venus is going direct in Taurus in a few days. Use the time to develop your wealth consciousness. It is all about devotion and emotion. Mercury is in retrograde now. It is all about intelligence, technology, business, and travel. Things can be problematic, and Mercury will help you to look at this. Dr. Pillai says that we are never a victim of our circumstances. He is teaching us to change our timeline so we avoid the karmas that are coming at us.

Ashada Navaratri or the Nine Nights of the Performer Goddess, Varahi, is coming alive. She has the head of a boar with tusks and will root out the difficult problems. Dr. Pillai says “Varahi is a form of Lakshmi. She is also related to the Goddess of Shreem who is Mahalakshmi. We need them at these times, and they are willing to come and help us. Varahi is very much present, and she’s the Goddess of the earth, and she’s the Goddess of gold, platinum, abundance, above all, the Goddess who knows the need of people and wants to do things as quickly as possible.” Learn more. There will be 3 Grand Goddess Fire Labs For Material Wealth, Multifold Desire Fulfillment & Protection. They are for Varahi, Lalita Sahasranamam and Chandi. There is a Varahi Course in the Pillai Center Academy:.

Sucharita tells us to remember that LOVE is the most important thing, no matter what has happened!



Ends Sunday June 21, 2:41AM ET

Each New Moon is a great opportunity to get a clean slate and evolve spiritually. Your meditations on this day/night will be particularly powerful. During the New Moon you can connect with your ancestors by offering tarpanam, which opens energy blocks, and helps you invoke the positive blessings from your ancestors. Learn how to offer tarpanam.


Wednesday Jun 24, 00:44 AM til Jun 24, 11:17 PM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Thursday Jun 25, 09:33 PM til June 26, 7:34 PM ET

The 6th Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel.


Saturday Jun 27, 05:23 PM til June 03:05 PM ET

Kala Bhairava has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that result in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Udyamo Bhairava is a mantra for Timeline Jumping.


Tuesday Jun 30, 10:19 AM til Jul 1, 07:59 AM ET

Ekadasi is the day when Vishnu’s blessings for wealth and health are abundant. Chant Om Namo Narayanaya for Vishnu or Shreem Brzee for his consort, Lakshmi.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]

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