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  5. Shaking Up the Snow...

Shaking Up the Snow GlobeChristmas and the New Year are fast approaching and Sucharita invites us to reflect on our lives up to now and ask “How have we evolved ourselves?”  Each Sunday we should ask ourselves “Who am I and where am I going?”  We should check the Time Shaktis and then dive deep down inside to access the energies available.  This is the way we can take control of our lives and stop this never-ending cycle of action and reaction (karma). 

Dr. Pillai often says that the best way to evolve spiritually is to feed a hungry person.  We can easily take care of this by participating in Tripura Foundation donation gift cards.  There are gift cards available that will help us in three ways: 1.) The needy get food, shelter and educations, 2.) the recipient of the gift card gets the karmic benefit of donating to the needy, 3.) You get the double benefit of donating to the needy and introducing your gift card recipient to Tripura Foundation (or any charity you may choose!) Learn more here.

Sucharita mentioned that there will be a special homa offered at AstroVed.com on New Years Eve.  AstroVed has created an exclusive 2-Day Grand Ceremony called “START ANEW FOR 2017” to cleanse your karmic debts, which are the root cause for your problems, and invite wealth and health for the New Year. On December 31st, they are featuring the ancient karma-removing Kushmanda homa prescribed in the second oldest Veda, Yajur Veda. On January 1st, the grand finale is a wish-fulfilling wealth homa that invokes Archetype Kamadhenu, the divine feminine holy cow that Dr. Pillai recommends everyone to connect with for 2017, and the Banker of Heaven, Kubera. Learn more here.


Sucharita also tells us to check out the program offered at Pillaicenter.com called “CREATE 2017 AS YOU WANT” Transform 4 Key Areas of Your Life with Dr. Pillai’s Divine Intervention: Teachings, Astrology, Remedies. Read more.

Tuesday December 20, 2016/3:30 AM and 5:30 PM PDT/ 6:30 AM and 8:30 PM EDT | DEC. 20, 2016 AT 5:00 PM IST / DEC. 21, 2016 at 7:00 AM IST-GRAND 2-DAY, 10-PRIEST CHANDI HOMA AT DESIRE-FULFILLING POWERSPOT-Vedic Technology for Materializing Desires and Protection from Negative Energies. Watch LIVE on www.astroved.com or on Astroved’s YouTube channel. Dr. Pillai has selected a special Goddess energy Vortex where the presiding deity of the temple manifested as three different Goddesses named Iccha Shakti (Goddess who fulfills your desires), Jnana Shakti (Goddess who grants knowledge) and Kriya Shakti (Goddess who the power to act).

Each of these three goddesses holds an Akshaya Patra (inexhaustible vessel which symbolizes non-depleting wealth), and they can fulfill your desires. These goddesses can also remove obstacles that are blocking the manifestation of your desires. Learn more.


December 20 (PST)/December 21, 2016 (IST)-Clean Time-Perception Centers in Brain on 8th Waning Moon The 8th Moon indicates a state of mind in which intelligence, logic, intuition, and emotion are well-balanced. It is the time to turn inward and seek the mysterious powers. Kala Bhairava is a deity who represents Gods of all clans. Moreover, those who do not know their family deity can worship Kala Bhairava. A family deity is closer to us and responds promptly whenever help is required. He also relieves us from curses and evil energies. Lord Kala Bhairava, a manifestation of Shiva’s anger, has the ability to dissolve repetitive negative patterns that results in procrastination, lethargy, anxiety, and lack of motivation. Kala Bhairava makes you value your time so you can make the best use of the opportunities at hand and maximize gains. Appease Kala Bhairava and receive His Blessings. Learn more.

Also she reminds us that Lord Hanuman’s Birthday is on December 28th/29th ,2016. Special Power of Lord Hanuman: Controller of Saturn. Some of us are or will be going through Sade Sati, or 7 ½ years of Saturn influencing our moon. These people can especially benefit from praying to Lord Hanuman.The Vedic chant “Asadhya Sadhaka Swamin” declares that Hanuman is the one who does the impossible. There are only two Archetypes with the power to control the nine planets, especially Saturn. Lord Hanuman is one of them. Hanuman’s powers are so great that even Saturn is afraid to negatively influence him or his devotees.

Hanuman controls Saturn with his tail, but truly he controls Saturn through love. Saturn loves and respects Hanuman so much that he cannot harm those who are under his protection.

Saturn will be transiting into the house of Sagittarius January 26, 2017.  Read about how that will affect you here.

Important Upcoming Events This Week: (Check the Pillai Center and the AstroVed Event Calendars for other upcoming events-LINK)


Friday/Saturday- December 24h, 2016 CHRISTMAS EVE– EKADASI – 11th moon-Ekadasi represents the eleventh phase of both the waning and waxing periods of the Moon. Vishnu’s energy of prosperity and healing is abundantly available. Om Namo Narayanaya.

Enjoy this week’s Meditation and Discussion audios.

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Contact/Personal Coaching with Sucharita

If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected] or [email protected]

FREE Mini-Astrology Reading when you Donate $30 to Tripura Foundation

Enjoy the grace of making a contribution to uplift the poor to a higher standard of living. When Sundays with Sucharita attendees donate $30 or more, you are eligible for a FREE Mini-Astrology reading with Radha via Skype or telephone. You will learn the 5 things Dr. Pillai says everyone should know about your birth chart – your ascendant, birth star, moon sign, sun sign, and primary & secondary planets that are currently influencing you. Donate to Tripura Foundation and forward your email receipt to:

[email protected] or sundayswithsucharita@pillaicenter.com

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