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Shreem Brzee Miracles

What is Shreem Brzee

Shreem Brzee is a powerful bheej mantra given to the world by Dr. Pillai. He has revealed this powerful mantra so that people can experience the real Golden Age.

Bheej mantras are powerful seed mantras that have the power to transform the lives of a person. There are many powerful bheej mantras and Shreem Brzee is one amongst them.

According to Dr. Pillai, Shreem Brzee is an old mantra that was lost in transition in the middle. Many ancient sages and rulers have made use of the Shreem Brzee mantra to add prosperity to their lives.

When the mantra was lost in time, people were unable to know its benefits and power. It was then. Sage Vishwamitra, a great ancient rishi, decided to make the mantra popular once again. Dr. Pillai was chosen by the sage to take it to the masses. He taught the Shreem Brzee mantra to Dr. Pillai who has since then taken all the best efforts to popularize the mantra.


Shreem Brzee testimonials

“When you practice Shreem Brzee, it’s not only going to give you material wealth, but the greater wealth of consciousness. Material wealth will be only a by-product. You will get what I call a 200% Life—100% Material and 100% Spiritual.” — Dr. Pillai

Since Dr. Pillai, releasing the mantra Shreem Brzee in 1998, people from all over the world have been reporting about incredible results they have experienced. Everything from winning the lottery and receiving unexpected windfalls, to healing diseases and gaining priceless peace. Go through our Shreem Brzee success stories page to know how the mantra has brought a change in the life of scores of people.


Miracles of Shreem Brzee

  1. The Shreem Brzee mantra will bring prosperity and fortune.
  2. It will bring cordiality amongst family members.
  3. The mantra can boost your health and increase immunity.
  4. Creates positive vibration around you.
  5. Speeds your progress and removes hurdles.

Shreem Brzee E-book

There are thousands of people are sharing miracles from using the Shreem Brzee mantra. Where did they come from? How do they work? Most of all, how do you use them? You’ll learn everything you need to know in this eBook, including some of the latest revelations.

Pillai Center’ Shreem Brzee programs

Check out Pillai Center’s upcoming Shreem Brzee programs.

  • 21 Day Shreem Brzee Manifestation Journey – Join our free Shreem Brzee Education and Chanting Experience starting from 1st Jan. to 21st Jan. 2022 at 6pm PST.
  • 48-Day Daily Shreem Brzee Fire Lab for Ultimate Wealth & Abundance – Invite the energy of Shreem Brzee into your life by participating in the 48-day daily Shreem Brzee Fire Lab and ask for the gift of a new destiny aligned with abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life.
  • Individual Shreem Brzee Fire Lab – You will have an opportunity to participate in the Fire Lab live via video streaming. Premaraja will guide you in fluent English to speak your Sankalpa or intention you would like Shreem Brzee to manifest for you, as part of the ceremony.
  • Shreem Brzee Community Chanting CallGroup meditation has been demonstrated in multiple scientific studies to have an amplification effect that benefits both the meditators and those in the local population. Join these one-hour live group meditations to collectively focus on a variety of meditation and chanting audios given by Dr. Pillai.
  • Shreem Brzee Collective – This is one of the most powerful benefits of being a member of the collective. When you use Shreem Brzee (or any mantra) in a group, the power is multiplied by the size of the group. For example, if fifty people chant twenty-thousand repetitions together, everyone gets the benefit of one-million repetitions.
  • Shreem Brzee Immersion – Shreem Brzee Immersion is a 6-month long course designed to radically transform your mindset to allow for the creation and experience of wealth in all its forms, viz, Health, Money, Beauty, Bliss and More. The techniques you will have access to represent the cutting edge in consciousness development, imparted and empowered by a living Enlightened Master. The program includes ongoing teacher and community interaction to help keep you focused on your transformational daily practice. In addition, Vedic spiritual technologies to support your transformation at the soul level.
  • Shreem Brzee Full Moon Fire LabAccording to Dr. Pillai, the Full Moon amplifies the results of your spiritual efforts, especially for manifesting material benefits. This makes it the ideal time to practice the Wealth Mantra of the Goddess Lakshmi, SHREEM BRZEE, for creating a shift in your prosperity consciousness. To help you take advantage of the upcoming Full Moon power time, we will perform a Fire Lab at Dr. Pillai’s San Diego Ashram to call upon the Goddess of Wealth with SHREEM BRZEE 1,080 times.
  • Shreem Brzee Initiation An initiation is an experience. It is a transmission that takes place between teacher and student that puts you in a different state of consciousness. Your “I” consciousness disappears and you experience the Shreem Brzee mantra on a much deeper, subconscious level, making it exponentially more effective in changing your karma from that of poverty consciousness to a consciousness of abundance and wealth. Some people wait lifetimes to receive such a powerful initiation. After you sign up for your one-on-one initiation, you will receive an email with instructions on how to schedule your session. Plan for 15-20 minutes of one-on-one time with your Pillai Center teacher, during which you will receive the energetic transmission of the Shreem Brzee mantra – empowering you to make greater strides toward the life of material abundance, comfort, and joy that is your birth right.


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