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  5. Night of Shiva: Window...

Window of Opportunities on the Great Night of Shiva. Dr. Pillai’s mission in life is to bring to the attention of people that religion is a science. It is also a supernormal force that can bring miracles into your life. Read this blog post to learn more & join the Great Night of Shiva Community Events.



Dr. Pillai: My Mission in this Lifetime

A few minutes ago, it became very clear to me of what my mission is in this lifetime and why I specialized in the religions of the world. Religion is the most important guiding principle for successful living, but unfortunately it has been hijacked by charlatans and by traditionalism reducing religion to superstitious activity.

My mission in life is to bring to the attention of people that religion is a science. It is also a supernormal force that can bring miracles into your life.


Window of Opportunities on Night of Shiva

So, I wanted to start this mission on a very auspicious time of the Night of Shiva, which is coming in March. It falls on the 14th Waning Moon, when Shiva descends into the Earth plane and dissolves the karma of people.

I have decided to do a midnight fire ritual, followed by an abhishekam, followed by an initiation into the mantra of Shiva. I personally look forward to that for my own evolution and understanding, and also for the benefit of everyone who needs karma removal as well as spiritual transformation.


A Life Has to be Lived in Harmony Between Materialism and Spiritualism

Unfortunately, they have come to believe that asceticism and renunciation are prerequisite to be spiritual. This is wrong, and many people you know fell victim, including messiahs, to this old concept that to be spiritual you have to renounce life, you have to become ascetics so that you can spend all the time in meditation. That is an old paradigm that does not work. That is why religion became only for a few people who want to run away from life.

We have to correct that, and I will talk about that also on that auspicious night. Life has to be lived both materially and spiritually, and we should not create a disharmony between the two.

God is not poor. God is not a killjoy.


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