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Last week’s video is now on the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel!

Enjoy this week’s audio replay on Soundcloud – go to Pillai Center and choose the Powertime Practice Playlist.

Sucharita warmly welcomed us to this Saturday’s Powertime Practice call on April 18, 2020 at this time where we can come together to learn how to use the teachings of Dr. Pillai. We are still in isolation due to the Corona Virus pandemic and we keep hearing different stories from the media regarding the situation which it is creating a lot of stress for all of us. This week is a time period when we can go inside. We have left the energy of the full moon and are now entering into the energy of the waning moon. The moon represents our mind and it is natural to go inside during the waning cycle. Dr. Pillai’s teachings will wake up our soul and guide us through this period.

Today is Saturday and is ruled by Lord Saturn. We can propitiate Lord Saturn with a sesame oil lamp on Saturdays. As we gaze at the lamp’s flame, we can think of our ancestors. We can perform the tarpanam ceremony everyday, but especially on the approaching new moon. We are feeling all the karmas that our ancestors have experienced in the past. We can dump a lot of karma on Saturday.

Sucharita mentioned a lot about the stars of the day so listen to the recording to learn about that.

Pradosham , the 13th moon is Sunday, April 19. The 13th Moon is always a window of opportunity for dissolving your negative karma. Pradosham is the time to humbly seek relief from the negative karma you created through ignorance. Inert energies lay dormant in your soul, and nobody knows when the seeds of negative karma will manifest suddenly in your life. This is a time we can be protected from those curses and afflictions if we perform an abhishekam or hydration of a shivalingam with water, milk or juice about 1 ½ hrs before or after sundown.

The 14th moon or mini Shivaratri is on Monday. This is a time of Ganesha.  The new moon is on Tuesday night through Wednesday. This is the new moon and a good time to start anew. Watch a video of Dr. Pillai revealing new revelations about Ganesha.

The the end of the week we will honor Lakshmi or Shreem Brzee. Akshaya Tritiya is the time once a year that we can honor the goddess of wealth. Historically speaking Tritiya means the third lunar day and Akshaya is the name that means non-diminishing wealth. This is a day to buy gold! Cultivate spiritual strengths on this day. Do Tarpanam on this day. This is a time for the Goddess to bring in the gold. You can help this happen for ones who are less fortunate than yourself. You can feed the hungry, clothe the poor. Learn more.

Sucharita told us the story of Krishna and the Pandavas and the beginning of Akshaya Tritiya. Listen to the recording for the story.

There are some archetypes that come from the spiritual realms that we can connect with for protection. Hanuman is a monkey faced god who is like a superman! Lord Hanuman will do the impossible and he will protect you. Narasimha is a lion-headed being, the 4th incarnation of Vishnu. His claws will rip out the negative energies that surround you. Lord Muruga, the son of Shiva and the brother of Ganesha, and the Pleiadian god of the third eye, will heal you and he will get rid of debt. Dhanvantri is a form of Vishnu as well, and is known as the Divine Physician. He is the God of healing and is regarded as the God of protection and sustenance. He is also believed to be the one who created Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine and gave that for the benefit of the humanity. Learn more here. He will help us to stay healthy and will influence the medical scientists to find a cure for the virus.

Jesus will also protect us when we ask for the Holy Spirit to enter us. Shreem Brzee is the archetype we turn to for abundance, health, and happiness on the earth plane. She is a form of Lakshmi who will protect your crown chakra and allow you to focus on the good things in life! Varahi is another goddess, the goddess of 2020. She has a boar’s head and has tusks to root out the bad karma. There is a new Varahi course offered at Pillai Center  Academy that will teach you how to connect with Varahi’s energy. She can get rid of jealousy and envy, from you or toward you! Learn about all the archetypes.

Remember that Dr. Pillai has asked us all to light a lamp at 9PM ET and chant NaShi MaShi Corona Virus every night. And there is 48 Days Free Overall Protection & Wellness Mantra Chanting

Stay connected with the Pillai Center community and join nightly Coronavirus NaShi MaShi 1,008 x chanting led by Sucharita at 10:00 pm EDT.

Sucharita always invites all of us to get an astrological reading to know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. AstroVed is giving us all a gift of 50% off a reading with Vijayalashmi if booked by April 30th. Vijayalakshmi is a fantastic astrologist who is very positive in her reading of your stars and planets and in her interpretation of your chart.



Monday Apr 20, 5:42 PM until Tuesday Apr 21, 8:08 PM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Tuesday Apr 21, 8:08 PM ET until Wednesday Apr 22, 10:25 PM ET 

Each New Moon is a great opportunity to get a clean slate and evolve spiritually. Your meditations on this day/night will be particularly powerful. During the New Moon you can connect with your ancestors by offering tarpanam, which opens energy blocks, and helps you invoke the positive blessings from your ancestors. Learn how to offer tarpanam.


Saturday, April 25, 2020 ET

Day of non-diminishing wealth. Anything you do today will be multiplied. Learn more.


Sunday Apr 26, 03:53 AM til Monday Apr 27, 05:00 AM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]

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