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Message from Dr. Pillai

At A Crossroads

Dr. Pillai

I’m at a crossroads in my life, and in my understanding of human nature. I have considered my teaching, my interaction with people, and its impact on the general public. I want to make some important changes based on my current understanding of life.

I’m expanding my identity beyond the limited identity of an Indian guru. This identity has been too confining and has raised the eyebrows of many people who would have otherwise joined my movement to transform the world. Many (99.9999%) are standing outside the gate. They are afraid of the idea of guru — it could be a dangerous cult! I am now joining the respectable cult of science, technology and academia. This is not new to me. I was invited to the United States for my PhD in 1983 based on my publications and research at the University of Madurai. After my PhD, however, academia did not appeal to me because I was teaching about the Buddha or Patanjali, rather than living them.

So I transitioned into teaching mysticism from an experiential standpoint, through meditations and rituals. This teaching has gone quite well, but the guru identity has been growing rapidly and has started to trouble me. Playing the role of guru is part of my old karma from many lifetimes. The nadi palm leaf manuscripts have revealed the various gurus I have been during my long incarnational history: Agasthiya, Jnanasambandar, Manikkavackar, Sundarar, Ramalingam etc. I have credited Ramalingam for the great mantra “Arut Perum Jyothi” which he received directly from the God of Light. Similarly, I am crazy for Jnanasambandar from whom I received the karma busting mantra “Thiruneelakantam”. I can easily relate to all these saints, but today I disagree with them as much as I agree with them. I do not want to repeat any of my old incarnations – they are limiting and out of date. In this incarnation, I am fortunate to live in the United States where scientists, social philosophers and cultural anthropologists are making significant headway in changing the quality of human life.

Releasing Old Identities

I have often mentioned that it has been difficult for me to release my old guru karma. Finally, I am doing this. The trip to Egypt in February reinforced this decision. 5000 years ago the Egyptians had a better knowledge – an understanding that was not simply linear, scientific knowledge, but a holistic understanding in which they had access to the knowledge from all the galaxies. I want to incorporate this holistic knowledge into my teaching. To do this, I need to renounce my limited identity. It’s not that what I’ve given you so far is invalid, but I’m going to expand the horizon.

For instance, I’ve always been teaching you how to work with the wisdom of the yogis, the wisdom of the gods and goddesses of the Indian tradition. Now, I’m going to incorporate the wisdom that is coming from the Egyptian gods and goddesses. Soon I’m planning to visit Greece, and then will incorporate those gods and goddesses also into our consciousness. Carl Jung and Mircea Eliade both had the concept of “archetype” (although their concepts were a little different from one another). They acknowledge that higher intelligence resides with the archetypes, which reside in the unconscious. Jung put this idea out in his book: Man and His Symbols. The archetypes are available to both modern and pre-modern cultures. These archetypes are expressions of super intelligence — you can call them gods and goddesses, aliens or extra terrestrials, or, if you don’t believe in that, you can call them the power of the unconscious intelligence beyond the mind intelligence.

My Primary Teaching: MindScience

My primary teaching is going to be on the study of the human mind, but my definition of mind includes both the linear, conscious mind as well as the super-conscious mind. The Sanskrit term Cit (divine mind) and citta (human mind) are both included in my concept of the mind. My centers will be called the Pillai Center for MindScience. Reflecting this, there will be changes on my website and the presentation of my teaching material. Also, I’m going to incorporate a lot of modern western science in interpreting the archetypes and how they can put us in the domain of a higher intelligence.

I will teach a tri-fold model for attaining this higher intelligence:

  1. Path of the Intellect
  2. Path of Devotion
  3. Path of Action/Service

As you know, I am not a dry academician or an armchair philosopher. My goal will remain the same: to alleviate pain and suffering for humanity. Although modern science has done a lot to alleviate pain, it has no methodology as of yet to totally free man from physical, emotional and psychological suffering. Science can help us, but cannot do the job alone. We have come to a place where there is a need to incorporate other forms of knowledge or wisdom to supplement our educational system. That is going to happen through MindScience.

As many of you know, I previously developed a science called Mind-Sound Technology. The premise on which this science was founded is that “Mind” is made up of sound waves. If there is no language, we cannot think. So our conceptual thinking is dependent on the mind, and the mind is dependent on language, and language is dependent on sound waves. So the fundamental equation is mind = sound. Mind-Sound Technology will be incorporated into the scientific wing of my organization.

My focus hereafter will be bringing the scientists and spiritualists to a roundtable and exchange their models, so that we can evolve a holistic system that can benefit both sides. I have always respected all traditions, modern and pre-modern, that have contributed to the human culture and knowledge traditions. It is a fallacy to say that one tradition is primitive and the other is sophisticated. There is no prejudice possible in my view of reality. Everyone is revealed a certain facet of the secret, and it is important to incorporate them all, whether knowledge of the philosophers or the scientists. Only in this way can we grow as a community to solve our common problems.

My Focus for Humanity

There are still far too many people suffering on this planet without food, without water. We cannot call ourselves civilized until we have put an end to human suffering. We all belong to one community, the community of people on planet earth. My primary goal will be to unite all races, all nations, to come and work for the good of humanity. So my charity programs will continue, but there will not be any particular identity. You will see the programs develop in a way that we include all archetypes belonging to different traditions, playing an important role in empowering the human race to give us a higher mind.

I’m planning to undertake a global tour. I will start in the United States, then go to Canada and Europe, to present my new understanding to the world. YouTube will also play an important role. I will put out a lot of YouTube clips explaining the new teachings available for the future. In the meantime, the old teachings will not go away. They represent the eternal truth, so will acquire more power. I will supplement them with new knowledge that I have acquired. The merger will be revealed through newsletters and through YouTube videos. I will also write an exclusive newsletter outlining your daily practice.

I’m delighted that my horizon has now been pushed to an infinite space, so I can see the unity of all religions, of all cultures, of all wisdom. The merger of all this is going to create the Golden Age.