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What Is a Fire Lab?

fire lab

“Of all the techniques, the Fire Lab is the most evolved. It is the shortcut to obtain wealth.” ~ Dr. Pillai

Fire Lab is a contemporary term coined by Dr. Pillai. Many cultures all over the world have a ritualistic practice of using fire. Fire is not limited to any one religion. Fire ceremony is a universal, multidimensional technology to communicate with non-physical intelligences.

Prophets, messiahs, and seers of all religions have been in contact with Angels, Gods, and Goddess (Archetypes) through fire ceremonies. The Archetypes are a supernatural source behind healing miracles, other-worldly intuition and power over the material world. Fire ceremonies are considered to be the most powerful way to connect with these celestial beings because the fire element is a bridge between the physical and non-physical realities.

Dr. Pillai has taught Fire Lab spiritual technology as a way for prayers, wishes and quantum sounds (mantras) to go through the fire as a gateway or portal and into the divine realms. In return, a Fire Lab is also a way for boons and blessings to come through the fire from the Archetypes who are invoked. These blessings can then enter into the lives of the sponsors in physical three-dimensional form with accelerated results.

During a Pillai Center Fire Lab, trained individuals who have blessings from Dr. Pillai to do this work will recite special sounds and focus on specific intentions on behalf of the requestor. Dr. Pillai says that to ensure the success of a fire lab, one must use the right specialists, doing the right sounds and intentions and offering all of the right materials at the right time.

Dr. Pillai says that if a Fire Lab is done properly, you should see some kind of result within 72 hours of performing the Fire Lab.

Why Is a Fire Lab So Beneficial?

Ancient Vedic literature is one tradition that carries many passages explaining the power and benefit of performing fire rituals.

For example, in chapter 3 of the epic The Bhagavad Gita Krishna, an enlightened being, explains to his student Arjuna a story about the origins of fire rituals (sacrifices), “At the beginning of creation, Prajapati created both sacrifices and the human race. He told the humans, ‘Let the sacrifices be the bestower of all you need.’”

Krishna taught Arjuna, “Through the performances of fire sacrifices, become abundantly prosperous. The Gods, being pleased by the sacrifice, will please the humans. Prosperity will be created by the mutual co- operation of the humans and the Gods through sacrifice.”

What Kind of Fire Labs Can I Request?

fire lab

Dr. Pillai is working to revive the authentic practice of Fire Labs so that people will receive the benefits outlined in the ancient texts.

Dr. Pillai personally selected the people who perform Fire Labs for Pillai Center for both their knowledge and their sincere approach toward performing Fire Labs.

He has designed two different kinds of Fire Labs. One is a fire pit Fire Lab which includes herbs, flowers, rice and other offerings prescribed for that particular Fire Lab.

The other is a mini Fire Lab which uses a candle or ghee lamp with drops of ghee added to it along with mantras and prayers.

Both are very effective as all of them are done with the blessings of Dr. Pillai.

Currently Swamini Valli, a Pillai Center Teacher and AstroVed Astrologer is a designated Priestess for Pillai Center to help you Fire Up Your Life. She does one fire pit Community Fire Lab each month on Pillai Center Practice YouTube which is open to everyone. She also does Group Fire Labs and Individual Fire Labs for Pillai Center (you can request an archetype or ask her to suggest one for you). Please explore the Fire Up Your Life page to see the current offerings.

In addition Pillai Center offers an Ultimate Protection Program commissioned by Dr. Pillai. This includes mini Fire Labs for Sharaba, a fierce Archetype who destroys negativities within and without. You can choose from among Swarna Bhairavi, Kalki Das and Swamini Valli for your coach in that program.

Please note that Pillai Center Fire Labs do not currently send out prasad, ashes from a fire pit Fire Lab that are highly charged with energies from the ritual. However, you can purchase blessed Vibhuti (Energized Ash) in the Pillai Center Store.