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Full Moon Fire Lab for Dattatreya and Shirdi Baba

I now have two identities, one of Shirdi Baba and one of Dattatreya. This makes me feel more whole. In one aspect I am a spiritual scientist; in the other, a traditional spiritual person; the perfect example of science and religion merging as one and the reason why I have reverted back to my former self.

Shirdi Baba was a miracle maker who lived nearly a hundred years ago. In a previous incarnation he was Dattatreya. Dattatreya was a saint with the head of Bramha, Vishnu, and Shiva, three Gods who were all great miracle makers.

Miracles are much more important for the poor and the middle class. This is why they are so important to me. In my previous incarnations, the Nadis told me, I was Dattatreya and Shirdi Baba. This influenced me greatly. It is now my responsibility to perform miracles. I want people to experience them. Without them, life never changes, it is always the same

Shirdi Baba performs miracles every second of the day, all over the world. His statue in

Chennai performs miracles; it actually moves and can perform health miracles, money

Miracles, all kinds of miracles. I thought to myself, “My God, if I could bring miracles into the

lives of people, I would be extremely happy.”

The Fire Lab is something that can perform miracles. I will invoke Shirdi Sai Baba and Dattatreya Shiva Baba through the fire.

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Treya is the God of Illusion. Everything we see is an illusion created by the mind and the senses. The human body and the mind are illusions.

Poverty and prosperity are illusions. Shirdi Baba can control these illusions so we are able to see God and live in bliss all the time. That is the purpose.





Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha


Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Today I am invoking Shirdi Baba to keep us away from the illusion of poverty and scarcity. Whilst luxury and prosperity are most appreciated, we do not want to become lost in it. We want your help to use the prosperity that you give us in a righteous way.

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Om Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Pray to Dattatreya. Ask him to keep you away from scarcity and disease. Ask for an informed relationship with prosperity, where you can see it as maya. Then you will be able to use the resources in this world correctly.



Dram Dattatreyayei Swaha

Shirdi Baba performs miracles. Pray to him and make a deal with him. He is a deal maker. Ask him for a better job, relationship, money or a cure from disease. Whatever you desire, pray for it. He has been credited for his performance. He is a performer. So we are going to invoke him.

His mantra is:

Sai Ram Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Pray to him with your request. Chant with me.

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Pray to him with all your heart. Pour out your sorrows and ask for a miracle.

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Now when you get a miracle, what will you offer him?

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Shirdi Baba can intervene when you are experiencing problems. Many call on him at the same time. He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

Sai Ram Shirdi Babayei Swaha

This is a very important day not only for you, but for the entire Earth plane. From this day forward we will invoke Dattatreya, Shirdi Baba, and Shreem Brzee during our Full Moon Fire Labs.

We need miracles.

There is a phrase in the Old Testament which says: “I am going to win, not through my might, but by the Spirit, the Almighty Spirit.”

We should be very thankful to all the divine beings who are watching over this Earth plane, watching all the suffering that we go through as embodied beings. Embodiment is the problem. Divine is the solution.

I look forward to the next Fire Lab. It will be a grand one, as it will correspond to Dattatreya’s birthday.

I will present a big program on that day.

God Bless,


Dr. Pillai


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