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  5. Mars in Pisces: Three...





As seen in Vedic calendars and astrology manuals, Mars has been plundered by harsh forces for many months.

Except for some short intervals, in fact, Mars was forced to abide by Saturn’s slower timetable or deal with the lunar nodes’ confusion in Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

When action was taken, a sense of oppression followed—because Saturn can put tabs on just about any celestial body. And Mars is no exception.

According to Vedic astrology, now in Pisces Mars acquires both strength and dignity or intelligence, becoming free from the malefic vibes of Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Hallelujah.

So to create a strong plan of action and a small shift to get positivity, wealth and inspiration—here for you, three easy steps that can pay you in assets, dividends, and wisdom.

Wealth and Jupiter’s support

Mars regains freedom and energy in the constellation owned by Jupiter, one of his best friends, and a universally benevolent planet.

As an additional bonus, Jupiter in Virgo is protecting its own house of Pisces with a magnanimous gaze. So well-placed Mars is receiving support from his ruling planet along with an expansively positive vibration.

Being a warrior in the natural house of meditation, Mars acquires courage and reduces its aggressiveness. This planet can then enhance your positive actions through higher beliefs, fine arts, charity, and self-betterment.

By going inward, Mars will use its laser-like strength to control base instincts—such as aggression, overeating or distractions.

This is good news for you if, like many, you’ve been feeling stuck in financial or spiritual matters.

Now from watery, imaginative and gentle Pisces, Mars’ steam will help you with motivation for lucrative enterprises, but not without a poetic or idealistic outlook.

You can now use your spiritual practices, strong imagination and positive emotions as creative tools to achieve a 200-percent life—Dr. Pillai’s definition for both material and spiritual fulfillment.

Compassionate warrior

The world can use a highly energetic paladin who employs both deep compassion and spiritual leadership.




Mars’ strong yet soft hand will motivate many to follow a more righteous path towards beauty and spirituality.

You can now heal yourself through healthy exercise, healing arts—such as yoga and meditation—and travels to spiritual vortexes.

You’re in for optimism and hope after some truly hard times for the past two and a half years.

Your renewed spirit and courage will make you a better person, and expand your intelligence to reach once impossible goals.

Plus, you’ll be better equipped to help others recover from their inner and outer struggles.

The highest path possible

While Jupiter in Pisces gives great intuition for understanding and teaching the scriptures, Mars in Pisces sets out to use Jupiter’s gifts for material and spiritual gains.

Jupiter, as the planet of wealth and largesse, can motivate Mars to expand knowledge, solve existential crises and eliminate poverty.

Traditional invocations to both Mars and Jupiter are said to bring you gains from real estate, as well as increased wealth and evolution.

Try this

  • Recite Mars’ mantra or sounds—OM MANGALAYA NAMAHA—on Tuesdays.
  • Recite Jupiter’s mantra—OM GURAVE NAMAHA—on Thursdays.

A higher path includes the knowledge of the light body—Dr. Pillai’s spiritual solution to end human suffering. Learning more about this path will rock your world and remind you of your true essence and divine origins.

Much anxiety about life’s predicaments can disappear when you embrace your highest potentiality.

Vedic technologies—such as special sounds, myths, and ceremonies—are considered great spiritual solutions to countless problems.

Moreover, Fire Labs (or fire rituals) are mentioned in the Vedas as fast vehicles to accessing supernormal powers through the help of benevolent archetypes.

According to neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg, contemplating images of divine beings can increase both your compassion and intelligence.

Neuroplasticity—your brain’s capacity to lastingly change and reorganize its neurons—shows that when you focus on a mental or visual image of a celestial being you change your brain.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shotby Lalitha Devi

Keep up with the energies through Interactive Fire Labs from Pillai Center. Click the button below for details.

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