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powertimes, full moon, shreem brzee, masi magham

Powertime: Double Wealth Full Moon of Royalty Consciousness

Monday, February 18 PST

“The Full Moon is the Moon to get involved in acts of prosperity. It’s the time to get involved in the mundane world and ask for material blessings. Then you have that energy – anything to do with starting a new business, or buying clothes or houses, things like that. Praying for that would be appropriate for this time because it is very conducive for those activities.” – Dr. Pillai

Monday’s Full Moon is two wealth powertimes rolled into one.

Full Moons are powertimes for Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth. During this particular Full Moon, the Moon will be in Purva  Phalguni, a star of material prosperity, rest, relaxation, and celebration.

Monday is also a powertime for royalty consciousness called Masi Magham. Magha is the star of royalty consciousness, and it’s the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Leo is the constellation of royalty. The day marked by that star.

A Day of Karma Cleansing, Accomplishment, & Blessings from Gurus & Ancestors

“Magha is a star that has great potential both in material and in spiritual realms. This coming Masi Magham is a great time to receive blessings from enlightened souls and also from your own ancestors.” – Dr. Pillai

Large crowds gather at a water tank in Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, India during Masi Magham every year. The waters are believed to wash away painful karma, curses, and old baggage and start fresh.

Masi Magham is also believed to be a day when enlightened beings and ancestors descend to the Earth plane to bring us blessings and help us achieve our dreams.

People perform Tarpanam offerings to their ancestors for blessings, and to dissolve ancestral karma. It’s a very powerful practice that is important for goal achievement, as you inherit the limiting thoughts of your ancestors. They must be released. Keep reading to learn how to do this.

Multiple Prayer Services for the Double Powertime

Pillai Center offers opportunities for group activities on Full Moons because praying and chanting in groups multiplies your manifesting efforts. We will celebrate the Full Moon with both an eastern and a western Fire Lab, and we will celebrate Masi Magham with a lot of powerful offerings, including Tarpanam. See details below.


Use Lakshmi’s wealth mantra: Shreem Brzee. It invokes the Goddess to help you eliminate poverty consciousness and attract spiritual and material wealth. Chant it as often as possible, even while shopping or when waiting in line to pay for your Slurpee.

Perform Tarpanam at Home.

“On a practical level, I have found Tarpanam to be immensely helpful to heal your health, relationship, and money problems. All these things get better once you do a technique called Tarpanam. Tarpanam means offering food to the souls of your ancestors. I have not known any particular technique or meditation to be so powerful as this offering. – Dr. Pillai

You’ll need: raw rice or white rice flour, black sesame seeds, dharba grass (optional), a coin (dime, nickel, quarter, or gold coin), and a glass of water.

  1. Hold a tablespoon of black sesame seeds, rice, a coin, and a few pieces of dharba grass (optional) in your right hand.
  2. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the mixture.
  3. Pour water onto the mixture.
  4. As you do this, beginning with your maternal ancestors, say: “I invite you to take this offering. Six generations of maternal ancestors. Take this energy. Be healed. Be at peace. Cross into the light, and please remember to bless me.” You can name specific ancestors. As you get more comfortable with this, you can increase the number of generations to 12 or more.
  5. Pour the rest of the water on the mixture in your right hand. Let the mixture rinse off. You can do this over a tub or sink.
  6. Make a heartfelt prayer to your ancestors and thank them.
  7. Repeat all of the above for your father’s side of the family.


Join the Masi Magham Prayer Offerings for Royalty Consciousness on Monday, February 18 PST. Magnify abundance and ancestral blessings. There are multiple packages to choose from to suit your budget, and even some a la carte services. Benefit from ancient Vedic proxy (distance) technology from home.

Join the North America-based Shreem Brzee Full Moon Fire Lab on Monday, February 18 PST. It’s led by one of Dr. Pillai’s western teachers. Chanting Shreem Brzee in groups multiplies its blessings. Participant Aynes Narciso says, “I love the intensity of the Goddess energy that came through. Thank you!”

More Full Moon Fun: The Vedic priests invite you to join another event. Join the Say YES to Spiritual and Material Good Fortune Interactive Fire Lab on Tuesday, February 29 PST

Use the Shreem Brzee Multiplier Technique on the Full Moon

Jai Radha, a Pillai Center teacher, will show you how in this video.


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