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  5. 15-Day Karma Program: Day...

Making People Economically Independent Will Solve Problems

There is a lot of unrest going on in the United States so that made me to reflect on our topic: ‘Karma’ and its relationship with violence, and also its relationship with compassion. They both are related. And now I am almost obsessed with relating everything to neurology, to the brain functioning.

My brain remembers many years ago that I was asked to present in the World Knowledge Forum, I said: My God, I am not the right person to change the economics of the world. And then people who participate are the World Bank Chairman, the IMF Chairman, and the people like Prime Ministers, and Presidents. And then I did go, and they gave me 15 minutes, but that was extended to a couple of hours. And at that time I said it is all economics, it’s making people economically independent, and that will solve the problems.

Everything Originates in the Brain

Now, this was 6 or 7 years ago, maybe 10 years ago, 8 years ago. And now I am more intelligent than I used to be 8 years ago. Now I know that everything originates in the Brain. ‘The Brain Initiative’ that President Obama announced a couple of years ago, and then it’s still on I guess, is to study the brain. I think we have to put more money into studying the brain, why a certain person becomes violent, or compassionate. It’s all due to a part of the brain called ‘The Anterior Cingulate,’ and the ‘Von Economo Neurons’ in the brain.

You know, if you just go and read a book: “How God Changes Your Brain.” It’s a great book, I think, and I recommend that everybody should read that book by Andrew Newberg who is a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania, I believe.

Change Violence into Compassion

So what we need to do is to fix that part of the brain, and then change violence into compassion. I thought that it was a great occasion for me to reflect on it today so that somebody who’s listening to that may pick it up and do something about it.

So anything, and almost everything, is related to the brain and how it behaves because everything is behavior. and behavior which is rooted in the brain. Just as money. If you don’t have money it is because the brain is not functioning. If you don’t study well it is also the brain. So everything is a matter of brain functionality.

Let’s do the technique now.

MidBrain Tapping Technique

Close your eyes.

Go to Gate One, Tap, Press hard with your nail, and Feel.

Feel the energy exploding in the MidBrain and extending to the Entire Brain.

Now go to Gate Two, Tap, Press hard, Feel the energy in the MidBrain and spreading to the rest of the Brain.

Gate Three, just go Press, Press hard, Feel the energy exploding, moving into the rest of the Brain.

Go to Four, the energy is exploding.

Now Focus Attention on all of the four Gates where you touched and pressed.

Feel the energy exploding inside the MidBrain and expanding.

Then the Red Light from Gate One extending into Gate Four.

Stay in that position as long as you want.

God Bless

dr pillai sig



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