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Enjoy this week’s audio clips on Soundcloud in the Powertime Practice Playlist

We are working on getting video clips posted to the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel in the Powertime Practice Playlist. Thank you to the volunteers who have stepped forward! We need volunteers to do service on Facebook, edit videos, and write. If you would like to experience the blessings of doing selfless service, please email us at [email protected].


Namaste fellow spiritual travelers!  Sucharita welcomed us to the Pillai Center/AstroVed Powertime Practice call on January 19, 2019.

Dr. Pillai’s70th birthday is coming up and he has been teaching how to access the energy of time for more than ¾ of that time!  You can join his Birthday Trip virtually. Dr. Pillai has been teaching all who are ready to access the light of the Divine Beings that reside inside each of us. This weekend is a big karma-removing time that we are going to be accessing and it is all about aligning with the energy that will be nullifying our karma.

The sun has just entered into a new zodiac sign, Capricorn, the natural 10th house.  The sun represents our soul and will shine light upon that area of our lives that need paying attention to. The sun in Capricorn will cause us to ask ourselves “What are we doing?  Who are we?”   Once we understand what the energies or shaktis are available at any particular time, we are able to harness the good energies and avoid the negative energies that will be available or affecting us in our lives.

Today is the 14th moon and is a time to connect to Ganesha to bust our obstacles and karma.  Inert energies lay dormant in your soul, and nobody knows when the seeds of negative karma will manifest suddenly in your life. Ganesha is the elephant-headed god who is the remover of all obstacles, seen and unseen.  Sucharita explained how to use coconuts, lemons and limes to remove karma.  In the calendar notes below are links to instructional videos that demonstrate the techniques.

Tomorrow, Sunday, Jan. 20, is the Thai Poosam Full Moon of Ascension – a special time to gain more light and advance toward spiritual ascension. It is the 142-year anniversary of Tamil Siddha Swami Ramalingam turning his body into light in 1874.  After being abducted by the God of Light, his only prayer was that all human beings could have this experience.

Join the Ascension Empowerment Course in Pillai Center Academy and receive a recorded initiation from the Master who embodies the Master of Light himself, Dr. Pillai. There will be a LIVE teacher-led call on Sunday, January 20th at 3:00 pm EST.

Watch Astroved’s LIVE Thai Poosam Ceremonies FREE on Sunday, January 20th at 7:00 pm EST. Watch this an all LIVE ceremonies on Astroved.com or on the Astroved YouTube Channel. Learn more on Pillai Center.

Join the Full Moon Shreem Brzee – Thai Poosam Western LIVE Fire Prayers on Sunday, January 20th at 9:30 pm EST. If you are a Shreem Brzee Immersion Extension member, use the coupon code on the member site to receive $15 off.

Also this weekend is another special alignment in the heavens.  There is a rare Lunar Eclipse event which occurs once in 12 years.  According to Vedic astrology, the upcoming lunar eclipse on Jan. 21st will occur on a day when 6 planets are encircled between Rahu and Ketu, and Mars and Jupiter exchanging signs- creating an uncommon planetary alignment. On this day, it is not advisable to start any new ventures or money-making initiatives. Rather, it is the day for clearing your karmic baggage, pacifying your ancestors and self-introspection. The sacred text Dharma Shastra recommends performing Tarpanam and meditation on the day of the lunar eclipse and after eclipse hours. Learn more.



Sunday Jan 20, 03:49 AM ET

Every Full Moon is time of incredible energy for both prosperity and enlightenment. Your spiritual practices and meditations on this day/night will be very powerful. Chant Shreem Brzee for wealth. This Full Moon is very special due to a rare planetary alignment.  This is also the anniversary of Swami Ramalingam’s Ascension into the Light.


Wednesday Jan 23, 01:29 PM ET  Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Thursday Jan 24, 10:23 AM ET  The 6th Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: [email protected]

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