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  5. Honoring the Divine Mother...

Namaste and Happy Mother’s Day to everyone!

Sunday’s call with Sucharita was enlightening, sweet and informative as usual. Sucharita wished us all a Happy Mother’s Day and invited us to ask ourselves “Why are we here on the earth plane at this particular time?” Are we creating what we want? If we are not creating and manifesting what we want, we must look to the mother, our own mothers, whether they be here on this plane with us or they have already passed. The Divine Feminine is the Creator. We all have both male and female energies within us and when we are out of balance, that is when our troubles begin. So in our meditation, we invoked the Divine Mother and asked for help with our manifestations. Without the blessings of the Mother, our lives will be more difficult than they need to be. So wherever your mom is, work on healing that relationship and bless her as you want her to bless you.

In our meditation, we visualized colors that correspond with the different aspects of the Divine Feminine. To learn about what colors you should be imagining and the corresponding mantras, tune into the call which can be found on the blog right here. Using our laser beam of white sparkling, dazzling light we cleansed our monkey mind. Once the mind is cleansed and the slate is clean, this opens up space where we can insert the ideas of what we want to manifest. When we connect with the Divine Feminine, we are helping not only ourselves but the whole of humanity to connect and evolve. Sucharita says that the left side of the body is related to the Feminine, so pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you have pain or difficulty in the left side of the body, that means you must clear this congestion.

Monday was the 13th Moon and when this occurs it is called Soma Pradosham. This is a great time to erase karma with the rolling of lemons, limes or coconuts on the areas where the karma is stored-the throat, the shoulders and heart center. Once the karma is cleared, we invite the Divine Feminine in to help us create what we want.

Remember, without your mother you would not be here, so it is crucial to get her blessing and to bless her back as well. She brought you to the Earth plane at this incredible time of the beginning of the Golden Age so we should be eternally grateful for this. Radha, the Sundays with Sucharita astrologer, shared with us some interesting facts regarding the Mother, the 4th house, squares and astrological transits that will be occurring in the next couple of weeks.

As always, the community sharing brought up exactly some things that I personally have been thinking about, so I am always grateful when someone else shares something I have been wondering about. So read the blog, do the meditation and start clearing the space so you can start to manifest!

Love, Yagna

Support Member for Sundays with Sucharita

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