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  5. The Sun in Libra...



According to Vedic astrology, the Sun is now in Libra to stay until November 15. Sorry to say, this is an unsuitable position for the royal Sun, because Libra can bring both indulgence and indecision that diminish the Sun’s regal authority.

So has your career landed in molasses over the last two years? According to the Vedic zodiac—many have met with painful delays, stressful workloads and a creativity impasse.

These were fruits from Saturn’s placement putting its stern glance from Scorpio on both the natural house of career—Capricorn—and the house of creativity and performance—Leo.

If you’re among the lucky ones who have done just fine in both career and income—then you have most likely dealt with the more emotional effects of this transit.

In this scenario, disquieting fears and unsettling events have probably rocked your inner peace.

Here’s the good news: In January 2017, Saturn, archenemy of the Sun, will move away from Scorpio.

Meanwhile, if you wish to boost your work, get a promotion and raise your income, you need to strengthen the Libran Sun.

So here for you three exceedingly easy Vedic methods to bypass the Sun’s diminished strength and get staying power, impressive success, better health and a bigger paycheck.

 Make decisions and stick to them

  • For better results at work, avoid indecision and procrastination.
  • You’ll need to stay self-confident and ignore insecurity, which can stifle your progress.
  • Identify your priorities, be determined and focused.
  • Use your power to implement your ideas and be more creative. Libra’s influence on the Sun can boost your desire for beauty and design—and that can help your career.
  • Avoid compromising your higher vision for some temporary enjoyment that could weaken your resolve and diminish your chances for success.

To succeed avoid these destructive emotions


Needless to say, jealousy and envy are killers of your joy and creativity.

According to the Rishis and Siddhas—intuitive seers, masters of consciousness, gifted astronomers and advanced mathematicians—this star is also a living, conscious being and very much akin to a father figure.

A strong Sun teaches you not compare yourself to others, because he is the ultimate power and life-giver.

Moreover, the Sun teaches you how to be a king or queen and hone your power, but here’s the thing: you’re powerful because you work to help, guide and provide for others.

The opposite would be an egotistical and tyrannical figure who needs to dominate others.

Of course, you can’t possibly be your true royal self if you get stuck measuring and resenting others’ levels of success.

When you strive for excellence, you can use your own power to vanquish harmful emotions and succeed twice as fast.

Ask those who’ve been there, done that

 Dr. Pillai has revealed that celestial beings, or Gods, were once human, so they’re compassionate and understand your suffering.

Hence, these super beings want to help you end your pain and give you the exclusive life you deserve.

So what’s stopping them? Two major factors:

  • The first is your free will—you’ve got to ask for a miracle to receive it.
  • The second is your karma that keeps you skeptical and apathetic.

The good news is you can have access to Vedic technology to end unnecessary pain and achieve your goals. After all, if you keep struggling in a mess of financial scarcity, relationship agony and stubborn sickness, you can’t evolve.

 Try this

  • Recite OM SURYAYA NAMAHA 108 times on Sundays. Ask the Sun for help in your career and finances.
  • Sponsor Fire Labs or other rituals to the Sun to connect with his magnanimous nature. Ask for miracles to receive excellent health, success and recognition for your work.
  • Expect miracles everyday!

Enjoy the energies!

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