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  5. Thai Amavasya: A Gift-Giving...

Golden new moon on a black background

Thai Amavasya occurs during the New Moon in the Tamil month of Thai. This a powertime when your ancestors are most accessible for your mutual benefit. It’s a perfect time to clear the negative karma you share with them and receive their blessings.

Thai Amavasya is the first New Moon after the Sun starts moving towards the Northern hemisphere. In the Vedic calendar, the northward movement of the Sun marks the Dawn in Heaven and fills the earth plane with an auspicious energy of renewal. The Sun represents the soul in Vedic astrology. During this time, your action towards liberating your ancestors by performing Tarpanam, which is a food offering to them, will be fruitful. This placement of the Sun in Saturn’s house can help you reduce the impact of ancestral karma and enable you to receive their blessings for you, your children, and future generations.

One Minute of Tarpanam Can Be as Powerful as 5 or 6 Hours of Meditation

Dr. Pillai says, “There is a gift-giving time from the ancestors to their descendants who are living in this earth plane. The ancestors who passed from earth and are living in another plane are going to give abundant blessings. I want you to take advantage of this time. You may even be able to converse with them during this time. Think about them, but the most important thing is doing the Tarpanam, which is giving the offering to them.

On a practical level, I have found Tarpanam to be immensely helpful to heal your health, relationship, and money problems. All these things get better once you do a technique called Tarpanam. Tarpanam means offering food to the souls of your ancestors. I have not known any particular technique or meditation to be so powerful as this offering.

If I have to recommend one solution for every one of your problems, be it financial, relationship, or health, it is doing Tarpanam (ancestor offerings). Miracles do happen after the performance of Tarpanam.” 


What is the significance of Thai Amavasya Ancestral Offerings?

Ancestors come down to the earth plane every New Moon, but this Moon is exceptional. Thai Amavasya is one of the important New Moons to reduce the impact of Pitru Dosha, known as an ancestral affliction. This affliction, which happens due to non-performance of Tarpanam (Ancestral Offerings), can impact you to a great extent and may manifest as:

  • prolonged illnesses
  • misunderstandings at home
  • no progress in career
  • financial instability
  • progeny-related issues

Connecting with the souls of your ancestors, when the Sun is in Capricorn, enables you to receive your ancestors’ blessing in abundance. According to Vedas, performing Tarpanam on the powerful New Moon at the sacred Powerspot Kasi can liberate the souls of your departed ancestors, who can bless you with prosperity and happiness. Learn how to do the Tarpanam ritual. Remember to only perform Tarpanam during the day light hours using the right hand to hold the coin and rice powder.

How Does Tarpanam Work?

It is said that your ancestors are living in another dimension. Typically, they are not in Heaven yet. They are waiting to take rebirth. Tarpanam helps them cleanse and move deeper into the light. In return, the bless you by helping you solve your problems.

Dr. Pillai explains Soul Genetics:

 “Just as you inherit genes from your parents, your great great grandfather, grandmother, and great great grand parents, you also inherit the soul. Your soul is not different from the souls of your ancestors. Just as there is a lineage on the level of the biological genes, there is inheritance of the soul. This I called ‘Soul Genetics’. You can use this metaphor of the DNA with regard to the soul as well and talk in terms of the DNA of the soul… The theory is like this: in all these cultures, what they think is your well-being is dependent on your ancestors who are now dead but they live in soul forms. So you are required constantly to propitiate them. Then they are supposed to bless you with good things in life.”

How to Perform Tarpanam at Home

You’ll need: raw rice or white rice flour, black sesame seeds, dharba grass (optional), a coin (dime, nickel, quarter, or gold coin), and a glass of water.

  1. Hold a tablespoon of black sesame seeds, rice, a coin, and a few pieces of dharba grass (optional) in your right hand.
  2. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the mixture.
  3. As you do this, beginning with your maternal ancestors, say: “I invite you to take this offering. Six generations of maternal ancestors. Take this energy. Be healed. Be at peace. Cross into the light, and please remember to bless me.” You can name specific ancestors. As you get more comfortable with this, you can increase the number of generations to 12 or more.
  4. Pour the rest of the water on the mixture in your right hand. Let the mixture rinse off. You can do this over a tub or sink.
  5. Make a heartfelt prayer to your ancestors and thank them.
  6. Repeat all of the above for your father’s side of the family.


 Feb. 9 to Feb. 10

Sponsor the Thai Amavasya Tarpanam Services

These ceremonies can help you connect with grace and the Divine vibrations of your ancestors and powerful archetypes to obliterate obstacles, resolve problems quickly, protect from curses and negativity, and usher in good health and prosperity.

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