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We all hold certain teachings sacred, whether they came from loving parents, a trusted person in our adolescence, a benevolent teacher, a scientific book, a spiritual guru, a divine scripture or an inspiring professor.

In non-secular India, for millennia wisdom traditions have praised the benefits of spiritual enlightenment under the guidance of a master.

In the West or in modern India, we balk at the thought of someone directing us to any particular path. Of course, we blindly accept the teachings from our educational institutions—often forgetting that they, too, can be under the constraints of financial needs and bottom-line decisions. 

The most important Full Moon of the year

In the Vedic calendar, the energy of a special time window riding the wave of the first full moon after the summer solstice is said to bring the power to positively transform your life—permanently.

This lunar phase is known as Guru Purnima. 

The Light of intelligence

This time Shakti (or time slot) is apt to bring more electricity, intelligence and light into your brain and nervous system.

That’s the reason spiritual masters tap into Guru Purnima’s electric charge, impart their most profound teachings at this time—and give their students a vis-à-vis energy transmissions or darshan.

This process is said to bring immense material and spiritual benefits to those who receive the darshan.

When we are enlightened, we also benefit our surroundings by bringing more light into the world, which, needless to say, is in dire need of healing.

This doesn’t mean that to experience enlightenment you’re supposed to leave your family, quit your job or drop your responsibilities. On the contrary—life as you know it is simply elevated to a higher octave that gives you well-being, bliss, higher intelligence, super normal powers and joy. 

What’s Guru Purnima and how can you use it?4

Enlightenment means using your “God brain”—says Dr. Pillai—versus the usual neocortex that results, for most of us, in a life of struggles and ups and downs.

“By tapping into the subconscious mind or the God mind, you have everything in life. By staying in the human mind, subject to rationality and skepticism, you’ll be left behind,” said Dr. Pillai.

“Because you’re living only in the conflicted mind that gives you a lot of suffering, you are not satisfied with your job, you are not satisfied with your body, you are not satisfied with your relationship, and you are not satisfied with many things in life.

“The subconscious mind is more reliable. It’s from there that you can manifest.”

What to do on Guru Purnima

  • Be grateful to your teachers and gurus. Thank them in person or mentally
  • Practice meditation by closing your eyes and visualizing a light in the middle of your forehead
  • Recite the vibrational sounds for Jupiter, the planet of optimism, higher knowledge and wisdom—OM GURAVE NAMAHA 108 times
  • Honor the benevolent Guru principle with the sounds: 

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnum Gurur Devo Maheshwarah

Gurur Saakshaat Para Brahma

Tasmai Shri Guruveh Namaha

Tasmai Shri Guruveh Namaha 

Which loosely translated means 

The guru is Brahma [the Creator God]

The guru is Vishnu [the Preserver God]

The guru is Maheshwara [Shiva, the Destroyer God]

The guru is truly the supreme reality

I prostrate myself at the feet of such a guru

Happy Guru Purnima!

Lalitha Head Shot


by Lalitha Devi



Find out more about Dr. Pillai’s ON-DEMAND GURU PURNIMA CALL here. Click the button below for details.


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