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The Vedic sages and yogis have been exploring the connection between time and space for thousands of years. Dr. Pillai shares their understanding and a simple technique they used to manipulate time, space, and even karma.


The First Scientists

“The study of Time and Space is not simply for physicists. The Yogis studied Time and Space as early as 20,000 years ago. Their understanding is not based on mathematics. It’s based on their own intuition.

They knew much before the physicists knew that Time and Space are together. But their approach to Time and Space is very different.

I’m going to outline some of the things that the Yogis found out about the relationship between Time and Space.

Things happen to you only when there is a certain combination of time and space. What do I mean?

I’m staying in this particular space and talking to you. And If I move my space, the Yogis say I will be in a different energy zone because that space will give different thoughts. That’s how important it is. That’s one important contribution they have made.

There is a practical implication to it. For instance, if you are not successful in a particular space, you move the space. If you’re not successful in a particular city you move to another city or state. If you move to a different country, your karma will definitely change.

Space-Time-Karma Continuum

The next contribution that the yogis have made is that you cannot change time–which is Karma–because Karma is measured or experienced in terms of Time.

Time is karma.

You can’t change that part of it. But since Time and Space are together, you can change the space. And by changing the space, you can change time.

Time can be changed by changing space.

This teaching was given to Parasurama by Dattatreya. My name comes from this saint who is the incarnation of the three deities Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. He gives this advice to Parasurama: ‘Don’t worry about changing time. Just change space. Then you will change time.’

I want you to ponder these two issues. You will get a great clarity.”

– Dr. Pillai

Discover yogic technology to change your destiny and get things immediately in Dr. Pillai’s all-new Timeline Jumping program.

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