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  5. Mars Embedded in Your...



When you learn to recognize the workings of the planets in your life and discover the secret ways they affect you on a personal level, the work has just begun.

Time and karma (or the spiritual law of cause and effect) are so interrelated that you need an experienced astrologer to guide you through inevitable hiccups and headaches.

But even more importantly, it takes a thorough and ongoing analysis of the ever-shifting planetary effects on your decisions and feelings.

This is the science of time and can make the difference between taking that opportunity and creating the likes of Facebook or Apple or passing on these seemingly grandiose ideas and remaining unsuccessful.

Moreover, Vedic astrology is based on the subtle and often hidden knowledge of how divine beings and spiritual guides (or Gurus) can turn your life from mediocre to amazing.

So because you could use some help and tips for success—here’s for you a quick guide to Martian savvy. Take just three easy steps to channeling the best of Mars and letting go of what you don’t need anymore—stress, anger and fear wreaking havoc on your income, health and relationships. 

1. The Red Planet’s secrets1

On the outside, Mars has been closer to Earth than it’s been since 2003 and many have been enjoying his rare appearance as a red dot in the night sky, myself included.

Those who own a telescope have been watching Mars more closely in his trajectory near a faint-looking Saturn.

On the inside, though—meaning in your mind and consciousness—Mars has kept you half cold and half hot while retrograding in Scorpio, the intense and secretive territory ruled by this warrior planet.

This transit has probably taken you into a sort of grey zone between action and lethargy.

Even worse, this planet of assertiveness and courage has been facing many obstacles courtesy of slow and stern Saturn.

Keeping this information in mind will go a long way to explaining what’s happening to you and why you aren’t moving forward as fast as you would like.

Your ensuing awareness and alertness will help you make better decisions and speed your progress in career and finances.

2. Go deep 

A little knowledge can be confusing—because there’s a lot to be said on the advantages of both experience and self-inquiry.

Mars in Scorpio supports extensive research, which in turn is greatly influenced by the observer’s beliefs and intentions.

In fact, no two clinical trials are alike. When I participated in a 2005 Cleveland Clinic study on the effects of Reiki (a Japanese, energy-based and healing technique) as a Reiki master and practitioner, the results were remarkably positive.

The participating patients did experience the benefits of this holistic energy treatment.

The electrodes on my head and all the other Reiki masters proved that significant parts of the brain were changing while we were sending healing thoughts and energy to the patients.

Because we practiced weekly Kriya Yoga meditation together, I knew personally the two Ph.D. scientists watching the experiments—they were spiritual and believed in the effectiveness of Reiki.

When clinical trials were conducted in other research centers run by disbelievers, the skeptical researchers dismissed the healings, claiming that there was a need for more “science-based medicine rather than evidence-based medicine.”

The reasons for this disparity have been well explained by a neuro scientist, Andrew Newberg, in his book “How God Changes Your Brain.”

Believing in God and thinking of religious or spiritual subjects instantly activate key parts of the brain related to social awareness and empathy. These positive effects on the emotions and feelings lead to “incredible bursts of neural activity … your brain is going to grow.”

Who we truly are—beyond all appearances—has a great impact on everyone and everything in our vicinity. 

We can’t fake it. Our beliefs, thoughts, visualizations and meditations can shape our lives, our understanding of reality and our spiritual growth.

So our good intentions are paramount for our success.

“Your real capital is your own consciousness,” teaches Dr. Pillai. 

Mars in Scorpio brings you a platform for a deep transformation of your consciousness and the permanent removal of rocks (or boulders) in your way to success, provided you let go of fears and manipulations

3. Don’t lie down 

Although you ultimately achieve success by developing your intuition, says Dr. Pillai, it’s really important to be practical and take action. 

We need not waste even a second if we want to be successful. This is the path of immensely rich men such as Richard Branson, known for saying that every second counts in both his personal and career matters.

Saturn’s influence 

Likely, Saturn has been causing you some anxiety about your future. This planet of hardship, longevity and compassion is delaying and warning Mars, Jupiter, Rahu, the Sun and Venus with his cold and pessimistic vibes.

Until August, you must strengthen your resolve and make it powerful, if you want to see your projects take off and positive results in your finances and work.

The “Just do it” mentality promoted in a popular slogan can vanquish the dark forces trying to keep you fatigued, hesitant and unmotivated.

An easy plan you can implement right now looks something like this.

  • Get a complete astrological analysis with a pro.
  • Sign up for seminars, programs, coaching, courses to improve your weaker spots—you know what they are.
  • Sponsor fire rituals to Mars, Muruga, Saturn and the Sun, planet of success and recognition.
  • Recite Mars’ special vibrational sounds on Tuesdays: OM MANGALAYA NAMAHA 108 times, possibly in front of an image of Mars.
  • Stay alert and self-confident.

Enjoy the energies!

Lalitha Head Shot


Energetic Updates

by Lalitha Devi



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