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  5. Full Moon Blessings

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Enjoy this week’s video replay on YouTube.

We need volunteers to edit video clips after the call on Saturdays and post them to the Pillai Center Practice YouTube Channel (Powertime Practice Playlist).  If you would like to experience the blessings of doing selfless service, please email us at powertimepractice@pillaicenter.com.

Namaste fellow spiritual travelers!  Sucharita welcomed us to the Powertime Practice call today, Saturday, October 12, 2019.  Sucharita says that even though the Nine Nights of the Goddesses (Navaratri) has ended, the power of the Goddesses is still available and we should be taking advantage of their energies. She says our karma is constantly influencing us, coming at us from our of nowhere!  Karma is our thoughts and our goal in this life is to get rid of as much karma as possible.  The goddesses have given us the courage to face our karma.  Durga (power), Lakshmi (abundance), and Saraswati (wisdom) were the three goddesses that we honored during the nights of the goddesses.  Their energies are always here, but do we know how to connect with them?  Dr. Pillai has given us the mantras that call on the goddesses.

Tonight will be a full moon fire lab that Sucharita invited everyone to join.  She will be chanting “Shreem Brzee” 1008 times to call on Lakshmi for abundance.  It’s a powertime time because that are many people joining to add their energy to the party!  Register here.  Also, today is Saturday, ruled by Saturn the god of lessons and karma.

Muruga is a spiritual warrior and Skanda Shasti is the 6-day power time (Oct. 28th to Nov. 2nd) to access his to defeat the negative and unhealthy energy of debts, diseases, legal issues, enemies and bad karma.  Dr. Pillai says, “Muruga represents the primordial energy force identified in every ancient tradition in their own imagery. He is a spiritual warrior archetype who is responsible for human evolution at the subtlest level. The 6 days are very important days because if you miss these 6 days, then you have to wait for a one-year period”. Muruga’s weapon is the spear called the vel.  Energized vels are available at both Pillai Center and Astroved. 

The 4th moon is coming us this week and this is the time to honor and call on Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles.

Soon, Jupiter will be transiting Sagittarius.  This move is a Time for good fortune and luck.  Jupiter is the Lord of happiness, wealth and fortune, and is moving from the sign Scorpio to Sagittarius from Nov. 5, 2019 (IST) to Nov. 20, 2020 (IST). Jupiter in Sagittarius is the perfect time for expecting big opportunities and countless benefits. Jupiter’s undeniable blessings can help you to attract abundance and luck by seizing good opportunities coming your way.  This is also the time for relationships-all the relationships in your life: people, pets, plants, gurus.

Diwali is coming soon-Oct. 24-27.  This is like Christmas in India! This is a Powertime for ultimate abundance. It was on Diwali that the demon Narakasura, the personification of greed, ego, and poverty, was killed by Lord Vishnu. Diwali is a Powertime when the divine can illuminate the darkness of our karmic limitations and allow pure abundance consciousness to reign. This Diwali, Pillai Center has planned a 4-step process of 4 days of Grand Ceremonies to help you build abundance consciousness and manifest abundance in your life.  Sign Up By Oct. 23 at 3:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM UTC.

Sucharita mentioned that she had a reading from a channel of Agastiya and it was very informative and also had a Nadi reading.  Email her to find out about these services. Sucharita@pillaicenter.com.

Sun Joins Jupiter in Libra.  This is a good time to bring prosperity, happiness and optimism into your life. On Oct. 17, 2017 (IST), the ‘King of the planets’, Sun, will join the ‘Mentor of Gods’, Jupiter, in the sign of Libra, ruled by Venus, making it a vital 30-day period to bring prosperity, optimism and happiness into your life. This time period could help you experience expansion in wealth, business and relationship as the soul significator Sun joins the expansive planet Jupiter in the sign Libra, the house of relationship in the natural zodiac. The combination of the trine lords (Sun and Jupiter), considered auspicious in Vedic astrology, can keep you cheerful and optimistic- enabling you to achieve and progress in life.   Learn more here



Saturday Oct 12, 03:06 PM ET

Every Full Moon is time of incredible energy for both prosperity and enlightenment. Your spiritual practices and meditations on this day/night will be very powerful. Chant Shreem Brzee for wealth.


Wednesday Oct 16, 09:18 PM ET

Ganesha is especially very powerful and present on the 4th and 14th moon phases. Call on him to remove your obstacles by chanting his mantra, Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha. Roll and break a coconut or lime(s) to remove obstacles and karma.


Friday Oct 18, 10:13 PM ET

The 6th Moon (called Shasti in Sanskrit) is the most appropriate time to win the battle against negativity and evil eyes. This is a peak day for absorbing the energies of Lord Muruga (a divine warrior/healer) and the planet Mars. Muruga specializes in solving problems such as credit card debt, legal issues, health problems, etc. Call on Muruga by chanting Om SaRaVaNaBaVa on this day and by pouring milk/juice/water over a vel.


If you are interested in scheduling one-to-one Personal Coaching with Sucharita, you are welcome to send a request to: sucharita@pillaicenter.com


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